
Artificial intelligence techniques, such as machine learning and natural language processing, can be used to automatically generate code snippets, functions, or even entire programs.


Employ AI to assist in generating comprehensive code documentation.

Tools: AI-powered documentation generators that help in auto-generating comments, explanations, and documentation for code segments.

Example Prompt: Explain what this code does and generate thorough documentation:

import numpy as np  
from scipy.stats import norm
N = norm.cdf
def bs_call(S, K, T, r, sigma):  
	d1 = (np.log(S/K) + (r + sigma**2/2)*T) / (sigma*np.sqrt(T))
	d2 = d1 - sigma * np.sqrt(T)  
	return S * N(d1) - K * np.exp(-r*T)* N(d2)
def bs_put(S, K, T, r, sigma):  
	d1 = (np.log(S/K) + (r + sigma**2/2)*T) / (sigma*np.sqrt(T))
	d2 = d1 - sigma* np.sqrt(T)  
	return K*np.exp(-r*T)*N(-d2) - S*N(-d1)



import numpy as np from scipy.stats import norm

These lines import the required libraries. numpy is used for numerical computations, while scipy.stats.norm provides functions for working with the normal distribution, particularly the cumulative distribution function (CDF).

N = norm.cdf

This line assigns the cumulative distribution function of the standard normal distribution to the variable N, making it easier to use later in the code.

def bs_call(S, K, T, r, sigma):

This function calculates the price of a European call option using the Black-Scholes formula. The parameters are:

  • S: Current price of the underlying asset (e.g., stock).
  • K: Strike price of the option.
  • T: Time to expiration of the option (in years).
  • r: Risk-free interest rate (annualized).
  • sigma: Volatility of the underlying asset’s returns (annualized).
d1 = (np.log(S/K) + (r + sigma**2/2)*T) / (sigma*np.sqrt(T))
d2 = d1 - sigma * np.sqrt(T)

These lines calculate the components d1 and d2 of the Black-Scholes formula.

return S * N(d1) - K * np.exp(-r*T)* N(d2)

<explanation snipped for brevity>



bs_call(S, K, T, r, sigma)

Calculate the price of a European call option using the Black-Scholes formula.

  • S (float): Current price of the underlying asset.
  • K (float): Strike price of the option.
  • T (float): Time to expiration of the option (in years).
  • r (float): Risk-free interest rate (annualized).
  • sigma (float): Volatility of the underlying asset’s returns (annualized).
  • float: Price of the European call option.

bs_put(S, K, T, r, sigma)

Calculate the price of a European put option using the Black-Scholes formula.

  • S (float): Current price of the underlying asset.
  • K (float): Strike price of the option.
  • T (float): Time to expiration of the option (in years).
  • r (float): Risk-free interest rate (annualized).
  • sigma (float): Volatility of the underlying asset’s returns (annualized).
  • float: Price of the European put option.

This documentation provides a clear explanation of what each function does, including the parameters they accept and what they return.


Use AI to provide insights and suggestions during code reviews, aiding in identifying potential improvements.

Tools: Code review tools integrated with AI-driven analysis to offer constructive feedback and improvements.

Example Prompt: Act as a code reviewer. I just added the new function isDebugMode() below:

/** Turn a user string input parameter into the boolean equivalent */
public boolean isDebugMode() {
	try {  
		String value = params.get(“DEBUG_MODE”);
		Pattern p = Pattern.compile(.*[Tt][Rr][Uu][Ee].*);
		Matcher m = p.matcher(value);  
		return m.matches();
	} catch (NullPointerException npe) { // do nothing
	} catch (ClassCastException cce) {
		// do nothing
		return false;


Response: isDebugMode() attempts to check if the value retrieved from the params object under the key “DEBUG_MODE” contains the string “true” (case insensitive) using a regular expression. However, there are a few issues with this implementation:

  • Incorrect Matching: The matches() method in Matcher class checks if the whole string matches the pattern. This means that if the value contains “true” anywhere within it, this method will return false because the pattern is not matching the entire string.
  • Potential NullPointerException and ClassCastException: The method catches NullPointerException and ClassCastException without taking any action, which might hide potential issues without providing any helpful information.
  • Pattern Matching: The pattern matching seems appropriate for detecting "TRUE" in a case-insensitive manner, which is good for flexibility. However, keep in mind that it will also return true for strings like "DEBUG_MODE = true", "true_debug", etc. Depending on your requirements, this might be desirable or not.
  • Return Value: The function will return false if any exceptions are caught. This might not be desired behavior, especially if the parameter "DEBUG_MODE" is crucial for application functionality. It’s essential to consider whether returning false in such cases is appropriate or whether it might be better to propagate the exception or handle it differently.


Use AI to extract and share relevant knowledge, best practices, or resources during pair programming sessions.

Tools: AI-based knowledge management systems or chatbots that assist in sharing information and resources in real-time.

Example Prompt: What are the best practices being applied in this code and where can I find resources to understand more:

def fib(n, a = 0, b = 1):
	if n == 0:
		return a
	if n == 1:
		return b  
	return fib(n - 1, b, a + b);



  • Readability: The code is relatively easy to read and understand. The implementation of the Fibonacci sequence is clear and straightforward, using minimal lines of code.
  • Recursion Termination: The code checks for base cases (n == 0 and n == 1) to terminate the recursion. This prevents an infinite loop and ensures the function stops when it reaches the base cases.
  • Default Parameter Values: The function fib() has default values for a and b set to 0 and 1 respectively. This allows the function to be called without explicitly providing these parameters, which simplifies the function call for the user.
  • Recursion: The function uses a recursive approach to calculate the Fibonacci sequence. It calls itself with updated values of n, a, and b, moving towards the base cases until it reaches one of them and returns a value.
  • Efficiency: While the code is concise and clear, for larger values of n, the recursive approach might become inefficient due to repeated calculations. Memoization or dynamic programming could be implemented for optimization in scenarios where larger Fibonacci numbers are required frequently.

To understand more here are some resources:

  1. GeeksforGeeks: - Recursion in Python - Fibonacci Series
  2. Stack Overflow: - What is recursion and when should I use it? - Fibonacci sequence using recursion in Python
  3. Khan Academy: - Introduction to recursion - Fibonacci sequence video tutorial
  4. YouTube: - Recursion in Python - Corey Schafer - Fibonacci sequence explained - CS Dojo